Must Play Snes Games: Eric’s Top 5!

Along my journey’s as a per-pubescent teen there was a void in my life , later I would find out the void was a  deficiency (Of a sexual nature….:S),  but anyways basically I had a lot of time to kill and all the time to do it.  That’s when the games took over and it was good times and now I would like to share those good times with you….In list form. 🙂

So here is my top 5 picks for best NES games of ALL TIME.(YOU HAVE TO PLAY!!!!)

Chrono Trigger

Legend Of Zelda

Super Mario: Legend Of The Seven Stars

Mega Man X

Final Fantasy III

So there you go folks, check ebay && fire up them retro consoles or, OR or…. grab your fav snes emulator and check it out:)

Eric Out!!!!

PS That deficiency this is cured….:)

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